Our History
Univiveros® was founded in 1986 under the Group, Unifrutti Traders®, quickly expanding to the rest of the national fruit industry. We are currently dedicated to the propagation and sale of fruit trees and grapevines divided into three Business Units: Table Grapes Unit, Wine Grapes Unit, and Larger Plant Unit: The latter includes apple, cherry, pear, and stone fruits.
We also perform plant import, export, and quarantine services, as well as the evaluation and development of protected plant varieties from various Chilean and foreign programs.
Univiveros currently manages a wide range of varieties of different species, leading the national supply from protected programs. We are an associate nursery of A.N.A. (www.anachile.cl), members of the Nurseries Association of Chile (AGV), as well as participating in the Biofrutales Consortium’s breeding programs.
Our plants are backed by the seriousness and experience of a group of expert nursery professionals and staff, who have been concerned with every detail in order to reach a high quality product. Our professionals have a passion for nursery work.
The objective of Univiveros is to provide plants to the industry with the highest standards of quality, health, and traceability, contributing to the growers’ successful establishment of orchards, making their investment profitable.